Kykeon Life Coaching
You Are Your Own Biggest Advocate
But we’ll be your second biggest
Personal growth is a lifetime project, and we aren’t offering a shortcut or a silver bullet. In this 12-week private coaching program, we’ll walk beside you through the discussions, insights, reflections, breakthroughs, and execution of understanding your power in the world and achieving a deep mastery over your entire life.
This 12 week program is a commitment to clarify and focus on your personal virtues, execute your habits, and deepen your perspective each week in service of your goals and vision for the best version of yourself.

Program Outline
Available as private sessions in-person (locally) or virtually and in groups of 6 or more
Week 1: Self-Portrait Exercise
Week 2: DISC Assessment
Week 3: Clarity
Establish focus on what’s most important to you, take back ownership of your life, and develop a stable foundation from which you can grow. Complete a Goal Walkthrough for each category of your life (Goal Worksheet/ Strategic Planning).
Week 4: Balance
Learn to appreciate and apply balance to all areas of your life. Craft a personal definition of consistency and decide what it means to harmonize all the working parts.
Week 5: Time
Your philosophy of time is your philosophy of life. Evaluate your feelings about time and your use of it. Gain perspective on your time and rethink how you get to spend it.
Week 6: Vitality
You are a soul and a mind, housed inside a body. Master all of your health and wellness needs and properly set the foundation for the rest of your long life.
Week 7: Gratitude
A life of achievement is nothing without fulfillment. Develop a highly effective strategy to feel happier while working toward your goals.
Week 8: Love & Relationships
Improve all of your relationships. Make a clear vision for your friendships and family and how you want to show up in their lives. Reengineer your definition of love.
Week 9: Money
Analyze how you think about money, how you earn money, and where it all goes. Make your money cost you less and do more for you.
Week 10: Wisdom
Take a deeper look at how you know what you know and rethink your learning strategies. Set yourself up for continuous learning and eventual mastery in your field.
Week 11: Impact
Life is a relationship game. Regain control over the way you interact and influence others and begin shifting the world in a better direction.
Week 12: Conviction
Cultivate optimism, elevate your mindset, and bring purpose front and center to all that you do. Get abundantly clear on what it is that keeps you moving forward.